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IoT 전시회 in UK 근처

UK 에 올해 열리게 될 IoT 전시회 관심 리스트 입니다.

눈에 띄는 것은 1번 행사네요.

1.     Connected world summit 2018

n  http://connectedworldsummit.net/

n  Europe's Leading Event Discussing Connectivity, Security & Interoperability For Tomorrow's Things

n  London, UK

n  25 26 Sep., 2018

n  Connected Home Summit, Smart Cities Summit, 5G Summit, Connected Security Summit, IoT Architecture Summit, Connected Leaders Summit


2.     IFSEC International 2018

n  https://www.ifsec.events/international/

n  London, UK

n  19~21 June, 2018

n  IT, Security, industry

3.     IoT Tech Expo Global 2018

n  https://www.iottechexpo.com/global/

n  London

n  April 18 19

n  Internet of Things and covering Manufacturing, Transport, Health, Logistics, Government, Energy and Automotive


4.     IoT Tech Expo Europe 2018

n  Amsterdam

n  1 -2 October 2018

관심있는 ARM (mbed) 행사

1.     ARM Research Summit 2018

n  https://developer.arm.com/research/summit

n  Cambridge, UK

n  17-19 September 2018

n  The third annual Arm Research Summit - an academic summit to discuss future trends and disruptive technologies across all sectors of computing - will be returning to Cambridge, UK on 17-19 September 2018.

2.     ARM TechCon 2018

n  http://www.armtechcon.com/

n  16 – 18 October, 2018

n  San Jose, USA

n  Arm TechCon is the only comprehensive event showcasing the latest advances in this world-class architecture — from silicon design to software development.



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