아래 기사 내용을 읽고, 흔적 남기기
Limor sees three keys to the success of the company:
“Being focused on others,
having an unconditional belief that you can be both a good cause and a good company, and
seeing risk-taking as your friend and your only real competition as yourself.”
성공의 3가지 키워드
"I learned to code by looking at open source software, so it only seemed natural to try and apply that same philosophy to my fledgling hardware business."
태생적으로 오픈소스 생태계를 이해하고 받아들이고 사업에도 당연스레 접목했다.
“I didn’t think it would ‘pay off’ at all,” she says. “But it was just something I felt very strongly about, and if it worked out, if it became profitable, then great.”
"나는 그것이 전혀 '이익(수익, 잘되는 것..등등등)'이 될 것이라고 생각하지 않았다"고 그녀는 말한다. "하지만 내가 그것을 매우 강하게 느꼈을 뿐이고, 만약 그것이 잘 된다면, 또는 만약 그것이 이익이 된다면, 그때는 훌륭한 것이다."
Adafruit has always made well-designed, user-friendly kits and components accompanied by excellent online tutorials and build videos.
Adafruit은 항상 훌륭한 온라인 튜토리얼과 함께 잘 디자인되고 사용자 친화적인 키트와 구성품을 만들어 왔고 비디오를 만들었다.
Passion Project
“A lot of it is just knowing how to do triage on projects and manage my time effectively,” she says. “In planning what I’m going to do, I often decide based on what can get the most people on our team going. This maximizes my efforts.” She continues: “When leading a group, it’s important to identify what we call ‘NP problems’ [“Nondeterministic polynomial time”] — these are tasks that may take some time and care to complete, but they can be quickly verified. Such ‘NP problems’ can be given to people on the team so that they can quickly take them on, practicing and learning new skills as they tackle them. Then, we can come back together and I can check in on the final result.”
NP 문제를 통해 더 잘 배우고 빠르게 성장한다.
“For example, the live shows happen every Wednesday night, and we have weekly group and individual meetings that can’t be moved. And then there’s the free time in-between. ‘Free time’ is for handling the little and immediate things that come up. The toughest part is looking at the free time available and figuring out the right task to fit into that time slot. It takes practice and experience, knowing what you can realistically complete within the allotted period.”
일을 짜맞추어 빈틈없이 지치지 않게 잘 한다.......
How it’s Made
“I develop products by listening to people in the community,” Limor says.
커뮤니티의 소리로 부터 제품을 개발한다.
“Hardware is, arguably, the easiest part of the puzzle to solve. ...
The hardware takes only a few days to design, but doing a good port of the Python core to the processor takes many months.”
소프트웨어에 더 많은 관심을 기울일 수 밖에 없다...
Open Source Business
Adafruit TV Guide
Adafruit hosts a number of highly regarded YouTube shows (youtube.com/user/adafruit). Here are a few of our faves:
다양한 기여
Electronics Show and Tell (Wednesdays, 7:30pm ET, G+ Hangout On Air) – A weekly Hangout where Adafruit customers, from young makers to seasoned engineers, show off their projects and what they’ve built using Adafruit products. Ladyada gets many ideas for new products from these shows.
Ask an Engineer (Wednesdays, 8pm ET) – The longest running live weekly web show about electronics and engineering, Ask an Engineer finds Ladyada holding court and clearly and patiently answering viewer questions, demoing products, and talking to guest engineers and makers.
Live from the Desk of Ladyada (Check listings for showtimes) – Look over the shoulder of Ladyada as she livestreams herself at work. From the Desk is a great way to learn about electronics, circuit design and troubleshooting, writing code, and more.
3D Hangouts (Thursdays, 3pm ET) – Join brothers Noe and Pedro Ruiz for 3D Thursday’s 3D Hangouts show to discuss all things 3D printing and desktop fabrication.
Collin’s Lab (Check listings for showtimes) – The quirky, brilliant, and always-entertaining Collin Cunningham teaches viewers the basics of electronics, from what components do, to how to assemble basic circuits, to how to use electronics tools. And he does it all in a natty suit.
John Park’s Workshop (Check listings for showtimes) – Well-known maker extraordinaire John Edgar Park builds whimsical and creative technology projects, such as illusions, costume props, and robots, while teaching you the skills you need to venture into projects on your own.
State of the Fruit
Every week there’s an all-hands “State of the Fruit” meeting where the entire group convenes for a weekly assessment of what’s going on; to brainstorm ideas, talk about upcoming products and initiatives; and to touch base with the entire team. At the end of these meetings, they have something called Hug Reports.
여타 회사와 같은 매주 회의...Hug Reports 가 조금특별...
For the hug reports, employees single out someone who’s done something special, admirable, above and beyond the call of duty.
버그 리포트 반대인 허그 리포트...네이밍 아이디어 좋으네
Adafruit Learning System
Since the very inception of Adafruit, educating people of all skills levels and interests about electronics and high-tech making has been a top priority. In 2012, the company launched The Adafruit Learning System, a free online resource for learning about electronics.
교육 시스템이 1순위...온라인 러닝 시스템이 정말 잘 되어 있죠.
Great Moments on Ask an Engineer
Every week for the past seven years, makers, hackers, engineers, and nerds of all stripes tune into Adafruit’s live YouTube video show, Ask an Engineer. On it, Ladyada answers engineering questions live, shows off new products, and does various electronics demonstrations. One of the hallmarks of Ask an Engineer, Show and Tell, and all of what Adafruit does, is how approachable Ladyada manages to make such complicated subject matter and how diverse the participants are; all ages and walks of life, men and women, boys and girls, and with widely different skill levels.
7년간 매주 하는 코너 "Ask an Engineer", 소통왕...다양한 계층/연령의 사람들의 의견과 문제를 풀어가는 방식을 엿보게 해주는 좋은 코너..
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