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앞서 사용한 vl-width 같이 미리 지정된 함수 예약어 리스트만 따로 쭉 뽑아 봤다. 

물론 홈페이지에 다 있지만, 찾을 때 편리하게 :)


There are special variables defined that are useful in these Lisp functions:

        vl-name        Name portion of the input/output port.
        vl-bits        Bus bits portion of the input/output port (`[2:0]').
        vl-mbits       Multidimensional array bits for port (`[2:0][3:0]').
        vl-width       Width of the input/output port (`3' for [2:0]).
                       May be a (...) expression if bits isn't a constant.
        vl-dir         Direction of the pin input/output/inout/interface.
        vl-memory      The unpacked array part of the I/O port (`[5:0]').
        vl-modport     The modport, if an interface with a modport.
        vl-cell-type   Module name/type of the cell (`InstModule').
        vl-cell-name   Instance name of the cell (`instName').


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