본문 바로가기

1. Could you explain your major technical back ground.

2. What kinds of project you did recently.

- (Can you explain the structure of SW)

3. Have you been FPGA design using HDL like verilog or VHDL?

4. Have you been project included Ethernet network?

- If yes, could you explain or draw the structure of project

- If the project be co-operate with your team, what is your role?

5. Do you have experience in company like co-op (like intern) in CANADA

6. How do you think, which level your SW skill by C, C++ something?

7. In questionnaire, you have interest and look for Embedded system SW,

Could you explain more detail, what kind of application you looking for?

8. The WIZnet has HW TCP/IP technology and relevant product, chips and some kind of module.

Do you have interest that?

9. The position you applied is FAE, that means, one of your main role is support to our customer by technology regard Ethernet network solution.

How do you think about that?

10. Have you been visit to our web site

- If yes, what is most impression thing?

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