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테마를 만들어도 어디를 경로를 넣어야 하는지 몰라서 못쓴다. 

키워드는 VSCode 의 Workspace 설정을 건드려야 한다는 것이었다.


Hit F1 and run "Preferences: Open Workspace Settings"


원본 글 : https://github.com/orgs/marp-team/discussions/115#discussioncomment-759004


How to create a theme? · marp-team · Discussion #115

I want to create a theme, but after I read the documentation, it's still not clear how to create a theme and use it. Can you give me an example of a quick start? I am using marp via vscode plugin. ...



https://marpit.marp.app/theme-css is only describing about the thinking of theme CSS syntax. To use your own theme actually, you have to register the custom CSS theme in your VS Code workspace: https://github.com/marp-team/marp-vscode#use-custom-theme-css-shield


  1. Create a folder for working and open the folder in VS Code.
  2. Put theme.css into the created folder. It makes a theme named "your-theme".
  4. /* @theme your-theme */ @import 'default'; h1 { color: red; }
  5. Put markdown.md into the created folder.
  6. ---
    marp: true
    theme: your-theme
    # Hello, world!
  7. Hit F1 and run "Preferences: Open Workspace Settings".
  8. Search "Themes" and find out Markdown > Marp: Themes.
  9. Add a path theme.css. Now ready to use "your-theme".
  10. Open markdown.md, and confirm the root of current workspace is the working folder you've made.
  11. Open Markdown preview from the this icon:
  12. Check whether showing "Hello, world!" with red text.
  13. Congratulations, you've created your first CSS theme!


Try changing color: red; to color: blue; in theme.css and save it.


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