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또하나의 무료 시리얼 터미널 프로그램

이 프로그램은 IPv6를 지원하기 때문에 중요하다! 다운로드 링크는 아래 사이트로 방문 필수


ScriptCommunicator / serial terminal

Download ScriptCommunicator / serial terminal for free. Scriptable data terminal which supports several interfaces. ScriptCommunicator is a scriptable cross-platform data terminal which supports serial port (RS232, USB to serial), UDP, TCP client/server, S


This script interface has following features:
- Scripts can send and receive data with the main interface.
- In addition to the main interface scripts can create and use own interfaces (serial port (RS232, USB to serial), UDP, TCP client, TCP server, PCAN and SPI/I2C).
- Scripts can use their own GUI (GUI files which have been created with QtDesigner (is included) or QtCreator).
- Multiple plot windows can be created by scripts (QCustomPlot from Emanuel Eichhammer is used)

장점인 IPv6 - 왠만한 무료툴은 그냥 IPv4 주소밖에는 지원이 되지 않음.

TCP Client test with IPv6 address

프로그램 모양은 아래처럼 생겼음. 가끔씩들 활용해 보시길...


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